DiscoverCoffee Break ItalianCBI 1-11 | Ordering drinks in Italian
CBI 1-11 | Ordering drinks in Italian

CBI 1-11 | Ordering drinks in Italian

Update: 2015-04-2720


It’s time for a new lesson of Italian. Join teacher Mark, learner Katie and native speaker Francesca in lesson 11 in our series and learn to order drinks in an Italian café.

This season of Coffee Break Italian features a total of 40 episodes. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break Italian on the Coffee Break Academy.

Don't forget to follow Coffee Break Italian on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your Italian. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break Italian Facebook page here.

If you'd like to find out what goes on behind the scenes here at Coffee Break Languages, follow @coffeebreaklanguages on Instagram, and check out our videos for language learners on our YouTube channel.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Comments (2)

hamid david

un caffè macchiato un cappuccino un latte macchiato un cappuccino per favore vorrei un cappuccino per favore un tè con limone un tè con latte una chiocciolata calda una chiocciolata calda con panna un succo di arancia un succo di mela un'aranciata una limonata un'acqua un'acqua minerale una birra un vino rosso/bianco uno spumante un bicchiere di vino una bottiglia di vino per mio padre una bottiglia di vino per il mio amico una chiocciolata per me per lei la cameriera

Mar 3rd
Reply (1)








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CBI 1-11 | Ordering drinks in Italian

CBI 1-11 | Ordering drinks in Italian